How to Choose Sustainable Clothing for Your Workout

To choose sustainable workout clothing, look for brands that use eco-friendly materials and have transparent supply chains. Choose fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, and recycled polyester, and opt for clothes that are built to last.

Introduction to sustainable clothing

As we become more and more aware of the environmental impact of our choices, it’s no surprise that sustainable clothing has become increasingly popular. When it comes to workout gear, you might be wondering how to choose sustainable clothing that doesn’t sacrifice quality or performance. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what sustainable clothing is and how it’s making a difference in the fitness industry.

What is sustainable clothing?

Sustainable clothing is made with eco-friendly and socially responsible practices. This means using materials that are better for the environment (like organic cotton and recycled polyester), reducing waste during production, and paying fair wages to workers. The goal is to create products that have a minimal impact on the planet while supporting communities and promoting ethical labor practices.

But sustainability isn’t just about the materials used – it’s also about durability. Fast fashion has created a culture of disposable clothing, where items are worn once or twice before being discarded. Sustainable clothing aims to create products that last longer, reducing the need for constant replacement.

Here are a few key factors to look for when choosing sustainable workout clothes:

  • Organic or recycled fabrics: Look for items made from organic cotton, recycled polyester, or other eco-friendly materials.
  • Ethical labor practices: Seek out brands that prioritize fair treatment and wages for their workers.
  • Minimal packaging: Consider how much packaging your items come with – excess plastic and cardboard can contribute to landfill waste.
  • Durability: Choose pieces that will last longer than one or two wears.

By choosing sustainable workout clothes, you can feel good about not only your workout but also your impact on the planet.

The rise of sustainable clothing in the fitness industry

The fitness industry is constantly evolving – from new workouts to trendy gear. Going hand in hand with this evolution is an increasing demand for sustainability. Customers want options that align with their values and beliefs around social responsibility and environmental protection.

Many major athletic brands are taking notice and implementing more sustainable practices. For example, Adidas has a line of clothing made from recycled plastic bottles, while Patagonia uses eco-friendly materials like recycled nylon and polyester throughout their products.

In addition to major brands taking steps towards sustainability, there’s also a rise in small, independent companies that focus solely on eco-conscious workout clothes. These companies often prioritize ethical labor practices and donate a portion of their profits to environmental causes.

Overall, the demand for sustainable workout clothes is growing rapidly as we become more aware of the impact our choices have on the environment. By choosing eco-conscious options, we can feel good about supporting both our health and the planet’s well-being.

Now that you know a bit more about sustainable clothing and its importance in the fitness industry, you can make informed choices when shopping for workout clothes. Remember to look for items made from eco-friendly materials, produced with ethical labor practices, and with durability in mind. Happy shopping!

Benefits of sustainable workout clothing

Sustainable workout clothing has been gaining popularity over the years due to its positive impact on both the environment and our health. It offers a lot of benefits that go beyond just being eco-friendly. Here are some of them:

Better Performance

Wearing sustainable workout clothing can actually enhance your athletic performance. This type of clothing is designed to provide superior comfort, support, and flexibility that allows you to freely move around without any discomfort or distractions.

  • Moisture-Wicking: Sustainable fabrics such as bamboo, organic cotton, and recycled polyester are known for their moisture-wicking properties, which means they can absorb sweat from your skin and keep you dry during intense workouts.
  • Breathable: Unlike synthetic materials commonly found in athletic wear, natural and sustainable fabrics allow air to circulate through the fibers, preventing bacteria buildup that causes body odor.
  • Durability: Sustainable workout clothes are incredibly durable. They resist pilling, fading and stretching even after multiple washes making them a better investment in the long run.

Health Benefits

The environmental benefits aside; wearing sustainable workout clothing is good for your overall health too!

  • Reduced exposure to chemicals: Conventional sportswear contains harmful substances such as pesticides, herbicides which can have negative effects on human health like breathing difficulties and allergies.
  • Non-Toxic Elements: Organic fabrics used in making sustainable active wear have no harmful chemicals or synthetics associated with conventional garments made from non-sustainable sources. This way the clothes do not contain irritating elements linked with a range of ailments from skin rashes to more serious fertility problems.
  • Improved Skin Sensitivities: Living an eco-friendly lifestyle begins with being conscious about what we put into contact with our bodies. Opting for clothes made of natural materials provides relief if one suffers from skin sensitivities in general.

Ethical Production

Sustainable activewear often uses fair labor practices when producing these garments which is another reason why people are drawn to this type of clothing.

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Conventionally-made sportswear releases high amounts of CO2 into the air and pollutes the environment in different ways, such as improper waste disposal and the use of non-biodegradable synthetic materials. Ethical workout clothes, on the other hand, are made from sustainable and recycled fabrics that help reduce carbon footprint by being biodegradable.
  • Fair labor practices: Apart from protecting our health and environment, sustainable workout clothing also supports fair labor practices. Garment factories that produce sustainable sportswear often pay their workers well and provide them with a safe working environment thus uplifting an entire community.
  • Conscious Buying Choices: As consumers grow conscious about their buying habits when it comes to clothing, pondering whether to purchase something sustainably produced becomes more critical than ever before.

Materials to look for

The fashion industry is known for being one of the largest polluters in the world, especially when it comes to fast fashion. As consumers of clothing, it’s important that we make informed decisions when choosing garments so as not to contribute further to environmental damage. For workout clothes specifically, there are various sustainable materials that you may want to keep an eye out for.

Natural fibers

  • Organic Cotton: Cotton is a popular choice of fabric due to its breathability and moisture-wicking abilities, but traditionally grown cotton has been linked with heavy pesticide use. Organic cotton, on the other hand, is grown without toxic pesticides and fertilizers and requires less water than traditional cotton. It’s a great option for gym wear such as t-shirts or leggings.
  • Hemp: Hemp has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its durability and sustainability. It requires less water than cotton while being more resistant to wear-and-tear. Hemp is also naturally UV-resistant which makes it perfect for outdoor workouts where sun protection is essential.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo fabric has similar properties to cotton but actually requires far less water during the growing process. It’s also more resistant against bacteria growth which means it won’t hold onto odors after sweaty workouts.

Sustainable synthetics

While natural fibers are generally considered more eco-friendly than synthetic ones, there are some options made from recycled or biodegradable synthetic materials:

  • Recycled Polyester: Regular polyester takes hundreds of years to break down in landfills but recycled polyester uses post-consumer plastic waste that might otherwise end up polluting our oceans or nature reserves. Recycling these materials minimizes waste in landfills while turning them into useful items like sports bras and athletic shorts designed specifically for high-intensity exercises.
  • Tencel/Lyocell: Tencel/Lyocell started gaining popularity in 2021 since they come from a sustainable eucalyptus-based process with no pesticides. It has antibacterial properties that keep sweat odor away which makes it perfect for sports wear.

Alternatives to look for

  • Upcycled fabrics: Up-cycling is the process of taking old or waste material and turning it into something new or useful without creating additional harm to the environment. Brands like Been London, The R Collective, and Studio 189 are just some examples of brands that incorporate upcycled materials in their sportswear collections.
  • Natural Dyes: Using natural dyes is a great alternative to traditional methods because they help minimize pollution and energy consumption during the dying process. Some companies will use flowers instead of synthetic dyes to give their clothing unique prints while simultaneously supporting local farmers.

Choosing Sustainable Clothing for your workout isn’t easy but narrowing the search down can lead to finding everyday gym clothes made using sustainable materials. Remember, choose quality over quantity, invest in timeless and durable pieces plus don’t forget to check out resale apps like Poshmark as an eco-friendly fashion option!

Brands to consider

Sustainable Active Wear Brands

One of the biggest reasons why people are becoming more inclined towards sustainable clothing for their workout is because they want to reduce their carbon footprint. As a result, many brands have started producing sustainable activewear that meets environmental standards while ensuring that you look good and feel great while wearing them.

Here are some sustainable active wear brands to consider:

  • Girlfriend Collective: This brand produces sustainable leggings, sports bras, and other activewear using recycled materials like post-consumer water bottles. They also offer a range of sizes to ensure inclusivity.

  • Pact: Pact creates activewear made of organic cotton without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. They also partner with Fair Trade Certified factories to ensure ethical working conditions for workers.

  • Namaste Active: Namaste produces yoga wear by using organic material such as bamboo, hemp and Eucalyptus which makes them biodegradable, breathable and recyclable. Their unique designs will transport you back into nature itself in both comfort and style.

Ethical brands

Choosing ethically produced clothing means it was created in an environment where workers’ rights were taken into account regarding treatment and payment.

Here are some ethical clothing brands to consider:

  • Patagonia: Patagonia’s activewear is made from responsibly sourced materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester. Additionally, they donate at least one percent of their yearly sales to environmental causes.

  • Outdoor Voices: This popular athleisure brand focuses on sustainability and ethics in its production process. Their garments are made from recycled materials such as polyester fabric from water bottles

  • Boody: Boody’s activewear range is mainly produced with bamboo viscose instead of traditional cotton fibers that usually soak up water resources during production methods.

Vintage and second-hand shops

Shopping vintage reduces fashion waste as well as reducing the demand for new production just for this sector. A lot of vintage pieces are also unique and allow you to showcase your personal style.

Here are some vintage and second-hand shops to consider:

  • Thriftify: an online shopping platform that allows you to buy and sell second-hand clothing from various thrift stores. They offer almost every brand, making it easy to find the perfect piece of activewear for your workout routine.

  • Lululemon Re-commerce: Lululemon’s resale platform offers pre-owned activewear at a discounted price. The company accepts gently used items and gives them new life by reselling them on their website.

  • Etsy: Apart from arts & crafts, Etsy is a great place to search for unique sports items from independent sellers that have plenty of cool vintage finds like classic running gear or comfy sweatshirts.

By selecting activewear made by sustainable brands or buying pre-owned items, we can make small changes towards more ethical lifestyles while purchasing high-quality equipment that lasts long term without sacrificing our workouts.

Factors to consider when choosing sustainable workout clothing

Sustainable and ethical fashion has become an important factor in the consumer market, with consumers seeking to make more eco-friendly choices when shopping. When it comes to workout clothing, there are a few factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing sustainable options.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing sustainable workout clothing is durability. Workout clothes face daily wear and tear from stretching, washing, sweating, and exposure to the elements. Therefore, it’s essential to invest in durable workout clothes that can withstand these conditions over time. Look for high-quality fabrics that are strong and resistant to pilling or tearing.

In addition, prioritize brands that follow ethical practices in their manufacturing process. Choosing brands that offer transparency about their production methods can assure you that the pieces you buy were sourced through environmentally friendly ways.


Fit is yet another crucial factor when it comes to selecting sustainable workout clothing. Ill-fitting clothes not only hinder your performance but also contribute to discomfort during workouts or physical activity.

The right fit could mean different things based on your personal preferences for style and comfort. However, ensure that your active-wear items remain comfortable throughout any kind of exercise routine without causing chaffing or restricting movement.

Furthermore, look for brands offering a range of sizes catered towards all body types instead of sizes limited by societal standards alone. You may want extended or inclusive sizing options as well if your body type falls outside standard ranges.


While sustainability may be at the forefront of your priority list while purchasing active wear gear; performance remains a vital aspect too. Choose fabrics with moisture-wicking properties if you mainly do high-intensity workouts as they help dry away sweat quickly and keep you fresh longer through training sessions.

Breathable materials like cotton can reduce skin irritation during extended periods of activity other than absorbing moisture too! While organic cotton or hemp fabrics provide the same benefits along with being natural and biodegradable.

Additionally, choose brands that ensure no harmful chemicals or substances were used in processing their workout gear. This will help reduce your exposure to toxins as well as prevent these chemicals from leaching into water sources after washing them.

Overall, sustainable workout clothing may be more substantial upfront, but it’s a wise investment in better quality garments that are better for yourself, the environment and all involved manufacturers.

Tips for caring for your sustainable workout clothing

One of the keys to making sustainable workout clothing last is proper care and maintenance. With the right habits, you can extend the life of your clothes and reduce your impact on the environment.

Proper Maintenance

Here are some tips for properly maintaining your sustainable workout clothing:

  • Always follow the care instructions: Sustainable workout clothing is often made from unique materials that require special care. Before washing or drying your clothes, check the care label to see if there are any specific instructions you need to follow.
  • Wash in cold water: Hot water can damage sustainable fabrics and cause them to shrink or lose their shape over time. To minimize damage, always wash your clothes in cold water.
  • Use gentle detergent: Harsh detergents can break down fibers in sustainable fabrics, causing them to wear out faster. Instead, opt for a gentle detergent that’s free of harsh chemicals.
  • Air dry whenever possible: The heat from a dryer can be tough on sustainable fabrics. Whenever possible, air dry your clothes instead of using a machine dryer.
  • Avoid fabric softeners: Fabric softeners may make your clothes feel softer, but they can also cause buildup on fabrics that leads to reduced breathability and increased odor over time.

By taking these steps, you can help keep your sustainable workout clothing looking great for longer.


Caring for your clothes doesn’t end when you take them off. How you store your sustainable workout clothing can also impact how long it lasts. Here are some tips for storing your clothes properly:

  • Keep them clean: It’s important to launder sweaty or dirty clothes before storing them since sweat and dirt contain microbes that can break down fabric over time.
  • Fold instead of hanging: Hanging heavy fitness outfits such as leggings or sports bras by straps or waistbands can lead to stretching out and deformations caused by gravity pressure points resulting in total ruin of their integrity as well as small hanger pressure points. Folding them entails taking care of their shape and style.
  • Store in a dry area: Damp or humid environments can foster mold, mildew, and bacterial growth, particularly between fibers. Avoid storing your clothes in damp, moist areas like your bathroom or an unfinished attic or basement.
  • Zip bags: Airtight plastic bags may pose threats to the “breatheableness” of sustainable workout wear; instead, use acid-free papers to wrap them or stash them away in cotton pouches made for storage that are free of dyes.

By following these tips for caring for and storing your sustainable workout clothing, you’ll be sure to get maximum use out of it while reducing unnecessary waste.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Sustainable clothing is a step towards responsible consumerism. Choosing to support environmentally-friendly brands can help reduce the negative impact of fashion on our planet. When it comes to workout clothing, there are many options available in the market today. Integrating sustainable choices into your active wear can benefit not only the environment but also your physical health.

Throughout this blog post, we have highlighted several key elements that you should consider while selecting sustainable workout clothes. Let’s summarize:

  • Choose fabrics that are eco-friendly such as organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled polyester.
  • Look for certifications like Global Organic Textile Standard or Oeko-Tex Standard 100 to ensure that the garment is safe for our bodies and the environment.
  • Opt for pieces made from long-lasting materials, so they do not end up in landfills after a few uses.
  • Support brands that practice ethical manufacturing processes and promote fair working conditions for their employees.

Recap of the importance of sustainable workout clothing

The athletic apparel industry is one of the most polluting industries globally due to fast fashion production methods. By choosing sustainable workout clothing, we minimize its adverse environmental effects. Sustainable fabrics offer better breathability, moisture-wicking capabilities, and durability over synthetic ones. By keeping these points in mind, we can lead more conscious lifestyles with smart consumer choices.

Encouragement to make the switch

Making small changes in our wardrobe may seem insignificant at first glance; however, they do make an impact collectively. The fashion world has begun shifting attention towards sustainability slowly; by humanizing industry practices rather than solely focusing on profits.

Choosing products friendly to our planet benefits everyone involved in production – workers included – from sourcing raw materials until sales points such as retail stores or online shopping platforms. The shift towards mindful consumption makes good business sense too! More consumers now seek eco-friendly clothing because it’s naturally high quality with safer ingredients making them healthier compared to traditional fitness clothing that is often laden with chemicals, synthetic materials like Polyester blends.

Final thoughts on sustainability in the fitness industry

It is our responsibility as conscious consumers to ensure that our choices reflect our values. Sustainability must be at the forefront of society, and workout culture plays an essential role in achieving these goals. We hope that this blog post has been informative and prompted you to make more sustainable choices in your workout routine.

To continue supporting sustainability within the fitness community keep an eye out for brands specializing in eco-friendly workout clothing. The rise of eco-friendly sports-wear options highlights a shift towards more mindful consumption habits while still allowing us to participate in activities we enjoy most.

Ultimately, if everyone makes small yet meaningful changes to their daily lifestyles like choosing organic clothing over their regular one or opting for recycled plastic bottles buying reusable water flasks, we can all work together collectively towards building a better future.

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